PO Box 312, Caribou, Maine 04736
Application for a Tribute Tile in the Veterans – “Walls of Honor”
Order a tile today for your favorite veteran and/or active service member so they may have their very own commemorative tile. The Wall(s) of Honor are open to all veterans with an honorable discharge (living or deceased), all active duty service members and National Guards regardless of residence. One wall for each branch of service i.e. Army, Air Force, Marines & Navy with the Navy wall including the Coast Guard and Merchant Marines. (Four walls total at 304 tiles each). Names will be places on walls in the order (date) they have been received starting with top left tier of applicable wall.
The price of each tile is $100.00 and will contain the Veterans, Active Service Members, and/or Guards Last name, first name, middle initial and Branch of service with service dates. Please furnish the following information with a check payable to Northern Maine Veterans Cemetery Corporation, NMVCC, and return it to the address above.